The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (CIBSE) & UK Climate Impacts Programme (UKCIP) oversaw the competition for designs of buildings (existing or in planning) that demonstrate how green infrastructure can contribute to a healthy, productive and sustainable urban environment, with the improvement of surrounding public spaces; improving health and wellbeing; enhancing the primary use of land and unlocking additional benefits; improving air quality & reducing overheating risk; improving flood resilience, and taking account of likely future shortages in public water supply; and promoting more sustainable transport.
This year’s winning team, Green Roof Shelters, is a company that takes necessary structures and turns them into individual ecosystems. Vertical surfaces provide habitats for insects and small mammals, with horizontal surfaces planted to provide pollen and nectar. The green roofs can also be designed to trap water and develop into mini-wetlands.
The prizes were presented by George Adams, Chair of the CIBSE Resilient Cities Special Interest Group, with judges Susie Diamond, Vice-chair CIBSE Resilient Cities Special Interest Group, Chloe Hampton from LSBU, David Stevens vice chair of the CIBSE Facilities Management Special Interest Group.
The completion entry was 2 A0 information posters, that can be downloaded here. (34MB)

John Little of Green Roof Shelters Ltd